1) Remote sensing are by far the largest source of geospatial data. The nasa's earth science enterprise is generating a huge volume of remote sensing data daily for supporting earth system science (ess) and application research through its earth observing system project. These data are vitally important to studying global changes . Therefore, making those data widely, easily, and freely accessible to users will greatly facilitate the global change research. Operational Weather Squadron (OWS) is one of Office of Government Commerce (OGC’s) many initiatives for addressing the lack of interoperability among systems that process georeferenced data. In the past several years, ogc has successfully executed several phases of the ows initiative, including web mapping testbed. Those initiatives have produced a set of web-based data interoperability specifications, such as the ogc web mapping specification (wms), which allows interactively assembling maps from multiple servers, and the ogc web coverage service (wcs) specification, which defines interoperable interfaces for accessing geospatial data, especially those from remote sensing, from multiple coverage servers. As a member of ogc and a participant of those ogc interoperability initiatives, laits at gmu has developed an ogc-specification compliant software package called the nasa web gis software suite (nwgiss).